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uses this hair dryer to help fix her hair when she travels too. Sometimes when she takes long trips where she can’t have immediate access to a shower she will wet down her hair in a sink and dry it to the way she wants it. Guys with long hair that are on the road may appreciate this as well since finding a way to fix your hair on the road is not easy.

Some people may find another use for this if they live in the cold. Since the 12 volt hair dryer comes with a very long 8 foot power cord it can be used to defrost the car. Most cars do not heat up fast enough in the cold weather. They usually take 5 to 10 minutes before they even get warm. By having this portable hair dryer nearby you can plug it in and it will heat up very quickly. This will allow you to defrost your front and side windows and be able to leave sooner then you normally would. This will also work well if you have a trunk door that freezes a lot.


0 #1 Debbie 2012-01-19 11:50
I bought one of these for my niece who drives truck. No reason why she can't have nice looking hair while she's out on the road.

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