Coffee sets the mood for the day or brings an evening to a delicious close. Now you can enjoy genuinely fresh, homemade Cuisinart brewed coffee wherever you go!

Cuisinart 12V 4-Cup Coffee Maker 4-Cup 12-Volt Coffemaker

Made to Travel. Plugs into any 12-volt outlet to make boating, camping and travel a lot more comfortable. You will also enjoy the automatic shut off feature.

Smart Style. Ultra-compact design with durable brushed stainless steel carafe.

Ready When You Are. Brew Pause feature lets you enjoy a cup before brewing is complete.

You are covered! Cuisinart covers you with a very generous 3 year warranty.

Shop for this 4-Cup 12-Volt Coffeemaker.

My 12 Volt Quick Brew is one of the most useful gadgets in my car. It can make a lot more than just coffee, and it’s the perfect thing for me to wake up with in the morning. All you have to do is plug it into your cigarette lighter and let it run.

I use it to make tea and

It is amazing how many things you can make wih this pizza maker. Not only can it make pizza, the oven can cook things like hamburgers, cookies, or even chicken! It works like a portable oven that can plug right into your cigarette lighter. It can be taken just about anywhere, so it is great for people like me that like to travel.

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It’s amazing what technology has done for us. Gone are the days of buying ice and wondering how to keep food warm. Like most families I’m sure yours gathers for special holidays. I know mine does. A 12 Volt Refrigerator became my best friend for the holidays. With our family we usually have the person hosting it make the main dish and everyone else is responsible for bringing all of the side dishes. Usually

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