The folks at
RoadPro are no longer producing logbooks or any other record keeping materials. This DVIR is no longer available, but we do have a comparable
Drivers Vehicle Inspection Report by J.J.Keller is available.
Vehicle Inspection Report Book with 31 Duplicate Sets
31 Duplicate Carbon Sets
Includes Instructions & Vehicle Inspection Report
Two days delivery? I wasn't ready for that. I hadn't even chacked my email for a track number yet. Well I have the new equipment all set up and it works great. As expected. The deliver time was unexpected. Good job on your part. I'll be back when I need more equipment. For now I only need a 3-wire power wire and it's not worth the shipping. I'll wait till I have a larger order.
I have been burning up the airwaves with this radio talking about your company. some friends say they've bookmarked you. hope you treat them as good as me. Mr. King Oliver — , MT —