This jewelerʼs rouge was designed for very fine coloring. Use with an
all cotton wheel or a flannel wheel for a mirror shine. For aluminum
and stainless.
For Use With These Buffing Wheels
- AWW58-8-10HR
- AWW58-8-10FL
- 5838S34560P-8
- 585RS60P-8-10
- 582RS40PFL-8
Hey, you guys are amazing. We were thinking we might have our order in time for our next trip to Yosemite. UPS arrived as we were packing up to hit the road. Wow, in time for this trip. Just figured I'd take time to say thank you before hitting the road. We wont be updating it just yet (trying to get out the door) but we do have a super cool new GPS to play with now. Seems a little large now that I'm holding it, thinking we should have done the 5inch but I'm gonna keep it. Bigger is normally better =0)
Happy Trails. Frank & Tony D. — Santa Cruz, CA —