When connecting the tip to a universal dc power adapter it is important to know the polarity required by the device you will be powering. To determine the required polarity you should look to the device manual, the original power adapter or the device itself.
The polarity info you will be looking for will tell you if the plug needs to have a positive tip or a negative tip and will resemble one of the following polarity symbols.

You will of course need to figure out which tip is right for your application. You can do this by comparing the universal tips to the original equipment, or by testing each one to determine which fits best into your device power jack.
The universal power adapter tips have two prongs and will plug into the power adapter cord end. There are two positions that each tip can be plugged into the cord end. Your required polarity will determine which position is right for you.
The following diagram shows the plug tip positions require to achieve a “Positive Tip” or a “Negative Tip”.

END NOTE::::: Before connecting a universal power supply to any electronic device you should first determine the power required by the device (normally located on original power supply). Once you know the amount of power required, check that the universal power supply can output enough power for your device.